dan mueller
the mosaic tile artwork of dan mueller can be seen in grand scale, and beautifying urban areas such as Met Center business park in Austin, TX. where he has completed two “fallen friends” tribute installations on the city park drains. a rubik’s cube art installation can be seen on a commercial property on the 1700 block of E 6th St., and mosaic murals cover half a dozen landscape walls beautifying one condominium property in East Austin.
on smaller scale, dan custom builds 6 foot wooden tables adding mosaic tile art to the top surface, creates custom logo and art tiles for commercial businesses and mosaic garden art pieces, such as garden pots, stepping stones, in-ground pedestals and hanging tiled art for wall or fence display (for residential or commercial spaces). up to as much as 60% of the materials dan uses to create his art are reclaimed and/or saved from going to the landfill!
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